Is Email Marketing Still Important?

If you’re still asking, “Is email marketing still important?” – The answer is a resounding YES!!️ 

An email contact list keeps you connected to your target audience Email marketing gives your business the ability to reach customers easier than ever.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email to promote or bring awareness to your brand’s product or services. It also plays an important part in your marketing strategy by bringing lead generation, brand awareness, and engaging customers. 

The best part? It has a high return on investment (ROI). A well-written and designed email newsletter can help build a community around your brand and business.

9 Reasons You Should Use Email Marketing

Email marketing has many benefits and ways to increase your sales and connect with your audience. Here are nine benefits of using email in your marketing strategy. 

Stay in contact with your audience. 

When a consumer reads and enjoys your newsletter, they’re bound to continue to read, and when it’s time to make a purchase, they will because they trust your brand. They’ve spent time getting to know your brand and building trust. 

Reach customers in real-time. 

Social media ads and marketing aren’t reliable because algorithms don’t always work in your favor, and your consumer isn’t always online. However, when you send emails directly to their email, you can catch them at their easiest convenience, and they’ll get the message no matter what. 

People engage with emails. 

It’s easy to encourage engagement with emails. With a well-written email, you can entice your audience to click through and make a purchase. 

Email marketing is easy to measure. 

There are multiple things you can track for your email marketing to make sure that it is helping your business reach it’s goal whether that’s connection or sales. You can measure these analytics with your email service provider

  • How many emails sent
  • How many emails were opened
  • How many people clicked a link in the email

It’s affordable. If you’re just starting out, then there are plenty of free options. Most email marketing platforms have a free option until your reach your first 1,000 subscribers, and after that, plans can range from $10 to $200 a month, all based on your needs. 

Everyone (almost) uses email. 

Everyone and their mom use email (or emails)! But not everyone has social media or uses it on a regular basis – not to mention the algorithm affecting what your followers see. So, when you use email marketing, you’re more likely to reach more of your subscribers to highlight your new product or service.

Allows for targeted messaging. 

Sending your audience the right information is crucial so they can make an informed purchase. With automated email marketing platforms, you can create groups of your subscribers so that they get targeted messaging for their buying stage. For example, you wouldn’t send the same message to a new customer as you would an existing repeat customer. 

Increase brand awareness. 

How will your audience remember you exist if they never see you? Just like blogs, emails are a great consistent way to remind your clients that you’re still in business. Email marketing is also fantastic for showing off your brand personality, voice, and agenda. The more your audience sees, the more they’ll trust you. 

It’s timely

When you have a direct line to your audience, sending them timely updates about your business is easier. You can send them relevant updates to your business, and they will reach your audience at just the right time to influence a purchase. 


There are so many benefits to email marketing it’s essential to your marketing strategy. But you still need to practice some key strategies to get it right. Do you need help with your email marketing? Contact us TODAY!